Refund Policy

In order to protect your rights and interests, we accept refund requests under the following circumstances:


  1. The product does not match the order description.
  2. The goods received have quality problems or are damaged.
  3. The product was damaged during transportation.
  4. The order has not been received, but it exceeds the expected delivery time.


Refund application period: Please check the defect and quality of the goods after you receive them. A refund request can be submitted within 35 days after the problem occurs.


refund process

Please contact our customer service team and provide them with your order number, a description of the problem and relevant pictures (if available). We will expedite the review of your refund application and reply with your application result within 1-3 working days. If your refund application is approved, we will refund the original payment to your payment account after review.


refund method

The refund amount will be returned to your payment account in the original way. It usually takes 3-5 working days to arrive.


Please note that the above refund policy only applies to items purchased in our store. For items from other sources, please contact the original source of purchase for refund policies.

Contact email: [email protected]